Hall History
The current hall opened in 1920 with a concert and a dance. Historically dances have been one of the most popular events, particularly on a full moon when the community would come by foot or on horseback.
Hall History
The first Coorabell Hall was established on the corner of Lofts Rd and Coorabell Rd sometime before 1909 when the first Trustees paid sixty pounds for two parcels of land. They were Joseph Akers, Thomas Gray, and Albert Swift.
The Trust Deed established The Coorabell School of Arts, a facility for “Public Instruction & Amusement”, with a caveat that the land was never to be sold. The original hall burnt down in 1918 and was rebuilt on its present site in 1920.
Hall meetings, according to minutes from July 1925, were held when the moon was full. A tradition was established. Full moon events have been special at Coorabell ever since.
The Hall is a social meeting point, classes are held there, and sometimes it is used by the Coorabell Public School.
From the 1920s to the present, long-established local families came together for dances and meetings - the Aker, Wadsworth, Garrett, Wedd, Scarrabellotti, Gray, James, Page, Parrington, Toms and O’Meara families (amongst others) all contributing to the music, dance, laughter, mischief, moans, groans and discussion that filled the Hall on full moons. They ran the Hall for generations. And people came to the Coorabell Hall School of Arts for instruction and amusement, just as the first Trustees intended.
Coorabell Mock-Debutantes Ball – 1960’s
In the 1960’s the Coorabell Mock-Debutantes Ball was a huge success. Here are some photos from the Hall History Album of the local farming lads and men having lots of fun in their wives, mums, sisters, dresses.
In the late 1950’s the Hall was nearly broke. The Ladies Auxiliary was formed and in 1959 the first Annual Coorabell Flower Show was held. The Hall was revived by the funds raised, and it became the biggest single event of the year at Coorabell Hall. The Auxilliary was disbanded when the Hall Association incorporated in 1986, but the Flower Show lived on until 2009.
From the Archives: On February 28th 2009, The 50th Anniversary Coorabell Flower Show was held, with over 50 categories of floral exhibits, crafts, food, 1950s Fashion and fun.
As the late 20th century progressed, people came from not only the local farms, but from throughout the Shire and even interstate to attend the live music performances, dances and various arts and crafts classes.
Now, over 100 years old, this little country Hall hosts visitors and performers from around the world, and is loved for its character, its location and its spirit.
Coorabell Hall – Recent History
In May 2008 the Hall’s Committee banned live bands and amplified music after problems with excessive noise and a threat of legal action. This precipitated a massive groundswell of community protest and action to get the music and dances back in the Hall.
New members joined the Hall Association and voted in a new Committee with a detailed plan for managing musical events at the Hall with consideration of the neighbourhood, and a pledge to maintain good community liaison. Billy and Ouida Wrencher, with the help of Ian Kneale and other members of this new Committee, proceeded to keep the Hall going for the next fifteen years, until 2022. They saw the kitchen upgraded, solar panels installed, and countless other improvements.
A new committee took over the running of the Hall beginning in March, 2022. A new broom for the old Hall. Plans are being submitted to add a covered deck on the East Side, plus other improvements. One exciting plan is to bring back the Flower Show as a display with other arts and creative endeavours. A Coffee Cart is now operating, for your morning pit-stop coffee. Do check-out the Pizzas on Monday night, and the suave gentlemen noodles on Thursday evenings.