Coorabell Hall - Hire Conditions

  1. All hiring to be by signed Licence agreement between Hirer and Coorabell Hall Association

  2. A bond of up to $1000 is payable to the Coorabell Hall Association prior to Hire, and refunded after verification that the Hall and surroundings are left in the same order and level of cleanliness as prior to hire.

  3. Fixing damage to paintwork, walls, kitchen appliances and breakages, and cleaning Iincluding the hall grounds and parking area) if necessary, will be paid from Hirer’s bond.

  4. Facilities are provided by the Hall for wall hangings or decorations (bring pegs, paper- or other clips). No nails, staples, paint, screws, tape or glues are to be used. Due to recent painting, blue tack is not permitted.

  5. All decorations to be removed completely.

  6. Noise levels must comply with the legal limits (see below). Street doors to be closed while bands are playing. Amplification to be turned off before 11.50pm.

  7. Hall patrons are to leave quietly and promptly. Event organisers must make at least one PA Announcement before 11.30pm (or before the last ‘song’) regarding the midnight noise curfew, encouraging patrons to respect the peace of the neighbouthood.

  8. reccommended maximum of 150 people inside the hall at any one time.

  9. Windows and doors to be left shut and locked. Lights and water pump to be switched off.

  10. The Hall to be left clean, kitchen clean and floor mopped, crockery put away, cupboards closed, refrigerators clean and left on, toilets mopped. Brooms, mops and cleaning supplies provided.

  11. All garbage to be removed from inside and outside the Hall. Bins are provided for collection. Removal is Hirer’s responsibility. All empty cans and bottles removed from the Hall, its grounds and surrounding roadsides.

  12. The Public Liability of events is the Hirer’s responsibility.

  13. No alcohol is to be sold on the Hall premises unless license/permit has been obtained.

  14. Due to fire regulations, No incense or candles are permitted and No fires are permitted in the Hall or its grounds, or surroundings.

  15. Camping is not permitted in the Hall, the carpark or the adjoining paddocks.

  16. Road safety signs provided must be used for night events (cnr Lofts Rd, and first power pole towards Mango Lane, 200m from the Hall). Road signs to be returned to hall after events.

  17. Bond monies will only be returned to the same person who provided it.

  18. There are three fire extinguishers in the Hall, one by each entry/exit door. Please be aware that these cannot be fixed to the wall, and so are easily stolen or misused. You are responsible for them, and will be charged the costs of refilling or replacing them if necessary.

  19. Tables and Chairs are included in hiring charges and are to be returned to the storage area. Tables seating 8 - 10 (15 available) Stackable chairs (100 available)


Hall Hire Fees:

Half day (4hrs): $ 200 Mon-Fri , $300 w/e 
Full Day (8hrs before 6pm): $ 300 Mon-Fri - $500 w/e 
Night Hire (with amplified music): $300 Sun-Thurs, $500 Fri/Sat 
Night Hire – 6pm to midnight 
Workshops, Classes, Regular repeat booking prices and nights without amplified music by negotiation
Cleaning fees of $150 will apply unless other arrangements are negotiated

24 hour hire - minimum $700

Venue for wedding hire - minimum $1000

DEPOSIT:  Bookings for night events and weekends (fri- sun) require a deposit of $200 for confirmation, which is not refundable if cancellation occurs within 28 days of the event.

BANK DETAILS: BSB 062-578 Account Number 00900442

Copy of transaction receipt to be emailed to

Kitchen Hire

The hire rate for an 8 hour day is $200.00 and half day $100.00.  This applies to caterers if they are cooking for an evening  gig.    Clean up and rubbish removal is the responsibility of the hirer and there will be a $500.00 bond.

The Legal Noise Limit

Please Note: The noise levels from the hall are being monitored. If they are exceeded with resulting complaint, the Hall Association will have another long battle on its hands to keep the music happening at Coorabell Hall.

By signing the agreement to Hire the Hall and play amplified music you are agreeing to ensure observation of the Noise Limits and Noise Curfew.

If you cannot ensure this, please don’t hire Coorabell Hall !

Our License to Operate Statement:

“The noise level emitted from the premises shall not exceed the background noise level by more than 5dB from 7.00am until midnight and, and shall not exceed the background level from midnight until 7.00am. No correction for tonality is applied.” (i.e. penetrating bass frequencies).

“Measurement is taken from the boundary of the nearest affected residence. Notwithstanding compliance with the above, the noise from the premises shall not be audible within any habitable room in any residential premises between the hours of midnight and 7.00am.”


Following audio tests completed, the mximum recommended level in the Hall is 97db.

The prevailing winds should be noted.

An external check during the event, on the road 150m either side of the Hall, is recommended to guage noise penetration to the neighbourhood and levels, window and door openings etc..